Samudrika shastra free ebook

There are some chapters dealing with samudrika sastra in brihat samhita of. Samudrika shastra is a sanskrit term that translates roughly as knowledge of body features. A small part of samudrika shastra was called hast samudrika. They are available free of cost from the website of digital library of india and its. Ancient indian palmistry is part of samudrik shastra which was founded by. Cheeks a woman with raised, fleshy, round and naturally pink cheeks is lively in nature and kind to others. Sa small part of samudrika shastra was called hast samudrika. Shat samudrika shastra in kannada pdf books on vedic. Book in hindi for upsc scientific book to vastu vaastu shastra jyotish shastra samudrik shastra the journey of vaastu shastra samudrika shastra malayalam tamil artha shastra vastu. There we download ebooks in mobi and other ebook formats. Download free sanskrit books from digital library of india. Book in hindi for upsc scientific book to vastu vaastu shastra jyotish shastra samudrik shastra the journey of vaastu shastra samudrika shastra malayalam tamil artha shastra. The book titled shat samudrika shastra in kannada in pdf format. Like all growth that sprouts from the vedic traditions nutrient soil, hasta samudrika shastra throbs with the sap syastra the sublime life vision expounded by the rishis, the vedic mystics of old, who populate ancient humanitys unwritten history.

It holds a large section devoted to hasta samudrika shastra. Samudrika shastra is hand analysis in the vedic tradition, a sanskrit term that translates roughly as knowledge of body features. Can you plz help me to find chanakya neeti shastra and any other books of chanakya in. The practitioners of this science studied the shape of the various organs of the body and indicated the tendencies and traits of that person while forcasting his future. Free download hindi ebooks of ncertcbse,hindugranth,exam and story books. If 3rd and 4th do not touch ground, it indicates definite widowhood. From india this science spread to china, tibet, rome, greece, iran and other countries.

Samudrika shastra a womans face hold the secrets of her life. Full text of hast samudrika shastra internet archive. Please send me link names of basic books on vastu shastra. Depending on the type of palmistry practiced, and the type of reading being performed, palmists may look at various qualities of the hand, including the shapes and lines of the palm and fingers. Samudrik shastra by jyotishacharya bhruguraj in pdf format. Download free sanskrit books from digital library of india sanskrit. A rare kannada book on samudrika including face and hand reading.